
Showing posts from September, 2021

One month since my first ACS Conference

 It has been a while since I posted on my blog. Early this year I set up some goals to reach by The end of The year 2021. Major one was to present at ACS Fall 2021 Conference in Atlanta, US.  Although I could not travel to Atlanta, I shared my results with a carbohydrate community. Surely, lots of things had to be finished in order to have a sufficient material to present. So, starting with May 2021, I fell into a lab rat mode - doing my best during regular 6:50 - 16:30 synthetic lab time followed by NMR checks, data updates, presentation preparations etc, after kids were sound asleep. At The end I did have enough material to confidently share my work. Brat in mind, that I am in 1,5 yrs of PhD program with 2,5 months gone from The lab due to COVID-19 with additional compulsary shift schedule ... Two weeks prior to conference, I Went on to slides’ preparation.