Back at work!
We are slowly returning to our „new normal“ at BOKU, Vienna. Generally, we work in 2 shifts trying to avoid as much of a contact as possible. We wear face-nose mask protection at all times in addition to regular pre-COVID times. One of the new stress factors is to finish all that you plan within 6 hours of your shift. Briefly, I would like to share a story that happened this week. Personally, I will remember this for a while. Shift is yours - use it your very best Within this time span of 6 hours , I planned to perform a more-or-less quick triflation reaction, that would be followed by azidation reaction taking place overnight to satisfy the requirement of an extended reaction time. At the beginning of my shift I felt like I am going to make this without any problems and so it went like as well. I got the spot of my formed triflate, let it evaporate, HV-line for an hour to get nice yellowish crusty solid material in a quantitative yield. As I calculated the excessive amount of s...