
Showing posts from November, 2020

Nie som supersticious ALE iba tak trochu -sticious aneb ste poverčivý?

Covid jar 2020 Aj vy ste si povšimli, že včera bolo piatok 13-teho? Nie som poverčivý … ALE … piatok, 13. Marec 2020 pre mňa znamenal stopku v lab práci a home office na naseldujúcich pár týždňov. Vo štvrtok 12.11 podvečer dokončujem týždennú pracovnú prezentáciu, nakoniec pridávam dátum 13.11 enter… uff a tiež mi d ôjde, že zajtra je piatok. Vravím si, nasadená reakcia cez noc je pohoda, nerefluxujem to, pod argónom to je, všetky kyvety so vzácnymi štofmi sú v chladničke a zajtra urobím 2-3 mini chromatografie, group meeting (GM) o 13tej a víkend je tu. Piatok je tu Ale ale ... už iba ten nápis v novinách ma zneistil „Schulsperren in ganz Österreich “ ... „Stehen wir vor zweiten Lockdown?“. No, hádam nie, vravím si. Tak to rozbehnem v robote hneď z rána, nech mi ten piatok rýchlo prejde. Mojou piatočnou špecialitkou je že, v d ô sledku celotýždňovej únavy, vždy rozbijem nejaké to sklo (ak mi nevypadne nejak á mini skúmavka, tak aspoň ka...

Instagram Repost by IKA - what a surprise

While supervising my Bc. student, I challenged him to take pictures while doing lab work. I personally do it while it catched the most interesting moments in the life of chemist that also appeal to wide audience. It just happened, that Paul was performing a reaction in pyridine, that was later on quenched with triethylamine. We both witnessed few color changes, while doing the workup.\ Challenge accepted – bubble gum created 😀 So we took some pictures, chose one that I called a „pinky beauty“, posted them on my instagram account . The following morning (I am an early bird, you know, so 05:05 AM), I found out, that IKAworld reposted our picture with a description „Bubble gum (🍬)“. What a surprise, I have to say! After couple days, the number of likes landed at 404 .  I was very pleased, that IKA shared our content to much wider science audience and Paul was also surprised that his picture made it all the way to IKA’s content. Sy...