
Showing posts from November, 2020

Nie som supersticious ALE iba tak trochu -sticious aneb ste poverčivý?

Covid jar 2020 Aj vy ste si povšimli, že včera bolo piatok 13-teho? Nie som poverčivý … ALE … piatok, 13. Marec 2020 pre mňa znamenal stopku v lab práci a home office na naseldujúcich pár týždňov. Vo štvrtok 12.11 podvečer dokončujem týždennú pracovnú prezentáciu, nakoniec pridávam dátum 13.11 enter… uff a tiež mi d ôjde, že zajtra je piatok. Vravím si, nasadená reakcia cez noc je pohoda, nerefluxujem to, pod argónom to je, všetky kyvety so vzácnymi štofmi sú v chladničke a zajtra urobím 2-3 mini chromatografie, group meeting (GM) o 13tej a víkend je tu. Piatok je tu Ale ale ... už iba ten nápis v novinách ma zneistil „Schulsperren in ganz Österreich “ ... „Stehen wir vor zweiten Lockdown?“. No, hádam nie, vravím si. Tak to rozbehnem v robote hneď z rána, nech mi ten piatok rýchlo prejde. Mojou piatočnou špecialitkou je že, v d ô sledku celotýždňovej únavy, vždy rozbijem nejaké to sklo (ak mi nevypadne nejak á mini skúmavka, tak aspoň kapilárku si zlomím ), ale dneska nič.

Instagram Repost by IKA - what a surprise

While supervising my Bc. student, I challenged him to take pictures while doing lab work. I personally do it while it catched the most interesting moments in the life of chemist that also appeal to wide audience. It just happened, that Paul was performing a reaction in pyridine, that was later on quenched with triethylamine. We both witnessed few color changes, while doing the workup.\ Challenge accepted – bubble gum created 😀 So we took some pictures, chose one that I called a „pinky beauty“, posted them on my instagram account . The following morning (I am an early bird, you know, so 05:05 AM), I found out, that IKAworld reposted our picture with a description „Bubble gum (🍬)“. What a surprise, I have to say! After couple days, the number of likes landed at 404 .  I was very pleased, that IKA shared our content to much wider science audience and Paul was also surprised that his picture made it all the way to IKA’s content. Synthetic chemistry is full of surprises and even m