First weeks in a new place
Keeping an early bird routine
It has been already 5 weeks since I started working in Zamyatina research group based at BOKU Wien. First days were filled with lots of trainings, safety instructions, playing hide and seek with glassware, spatulas, condensers, needles.Considering myself as an unpatient person, not everything went smoothly. I had to calculate additional 30 minutes instead of my usual 5-10 mins to prepare "stuff" for the coming day. Also my "early bird routine" as I use to come to work way early (before 7 AM) is not common in here, so starting dangerous reactions do not come in question.
Nevertheless, I found work stuff to do early in the morning like running flash columns, purifying compounds, measuring NMRs or just simply updating my lab journal. At the end of the day, I keep my early-bird attributes and end accomplishing same amount of work, if not even more some days.
Feeling support
My supervisor and collegues are great! Especially at the very beginning, they were kind and helpful. I am blessed to work with fellow chemists from Austria, Germany, Italy, Greece. My English is becoming more of my native language and I am definitelly picking German, that I used to speak daily couple years back. I am glad to be surrounded by highly motivated people. This stimulates my efforts and invites me to improve daily.Surely, I miss my "old workplace", supervisor Pavla B., members of her group, that I continue to be friendy with ... but I am grateful to have guts to make this move.
Family matters to me. My amazing wife and cute little baby girl Anetka are encouraging me on my way to do science and obtain a PhD. degree. Long working hours are simply a fact, that I try to compensate by devouting my weekend time solely to my wify, daughter and family.
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